Aquatic Weeds at Black's Nook
June 2007
(identified with Michelle Robinson DCR, Barbara Strell and Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation)
August 10, 2009
(identified with Barbara Strell, Friends of Fresh Pond Reservation)
August 17, 2010
(identified by Barbara Strell, Deb Albenberg, Suzanna Black, Betsy Meyer and Elizabeth Wylde)
August 9, 2011
(identified by Barbara Strell, Janet Kovner and Elizabeth Wylde)

Ceratophyllum: Coontail

Elodea: Waterweed

Polygonum: Emergent Smartweed

Trapa natans: Water Chestnut

Brytazoans found--animals-indication of good water

All above plants, except Water Chestnut, are native to New England ponds.

Ceratophyllum: Coontail

Chara: Sonewort

Elodea nuttallii: Waterweed

Lemna: Duckweed

Nymphaea odorata: White Water Lily

Polygonum: Emergent Smartweed

Spirodela polyrhiza: Big Duckweed

All above plants are native to North American ponds.

Around Pond:
Lythrum salicaria: Purple Loosestrife

Ceratophyllum: Coontail

Chara: Stonewort

Elodea nutallii: Waterweed

*Iris pseudacorus: Yellow Iris

Nymphaea odorata: White Water Lily

Polygonum amphibium: Water Smartweed

*Non-native invasive

Ceratophyllum: Coontail

Elodea nutallii: Waterweed

Nymphaea odorata: White Water Lily

Polygonum amphibium: Water Smartweed

Pontederia cordata: Pickerelweed

Algae sp. on Polygonum amphibium (green algae)