2017 Tree Swallow Nest Box Report
Fresh Pond Reservation
Reservoir System Manager Vince Falcione, of the Cambridge Water Department, put up the 15 tree swallow boxes on the Reservation early in April, 2017. He used the 2016 map, placing the boxes in the locations where they were last year. We did not find a need to move any boxes to new locations this year.
Swallows were observed in, on, or near many of the boxes during the next several months. In June, a number of fledgling swallows were observed practicing their flying skills.
Vince took down the boxes in the fall, power-washed them to remove debris, and stored them in the upper watershed barn for the winter. We do not have an account of how many boxes had nests, or how many of the nests appeared to have been made by tree swallows
Elizabeth Wylde
April 6, 2018