Lichens at Fresh Pond Reservation
June 25, 2011
List of species identified by Elizabeth Kneiper

Crustose lichens.
Amandinea punctata Tiny button lichen (tree)
Candelariella aurella Hidden goldspeck lichen (wall, mortar)
Caloplaca citrina Mealy firedot lichen (wall, mortar)
Caloplaca feracissima Sidewalk firedot lichen (wall, mortar))
Caloplaca flavovirescens Sulfur-firedot lichen (wall, mortar)
Lecanora dispersa Mortar rim-lichen (wall, mortar)
Lecanora strobolina Mealy rim-lichen (tree, not sure shown in class)
Pyrrohospora varians Crimson dot lichens (tree)
Lepraria sp. Dust lichen (tree, and wall?)

Foliose lichens
Candelaria concolor Candelaria concolor (tree and wall)
Flavoparmelia caperata Common greenshield (tree)
Melanelixia subaurifera Abraded brown-shield (tree)
Parmelia sulcata Hammered shield lichen (tree)
Phaeophyscia rubropulchra Orange-cored shadow lichen (tree and wall)
Physcia adscendens Hooded rosette lichen (wall)
Physcia millegrana Mealy rosette lichen (wall and tree)
Physcia stellaris Star rosette lichen (wall and tree)
Punctelia rudecta Rough speckled shield (tree)