of Fresh Pond Reservation Attending: Susan Agger, Laura Baring-Gould, Carol Benoit-Reynolds, Suzanna Black, Richard Bosel, Janet Burns, Robert Chew, Susan Cooldige, Julie Croston, Lance Drane, Susan Kaufman, Justin Kreth, Lore Levitt, Chris McKay, Betsy Meyer, Lawrence Millman, Herb Pearce, Squizzle Plekavich, Elizabeth Wylde, Ann ____, John____ After participants enjoyed a fine potluck supper, Elizabeth Wylde called the annual meeting to order. She summarized the year's accomplishments, focusing on stewardship projects carried out by Friends group members - especially the Woodland Restoration Project and the Woodland Habitat Restoration Project. Rebecca Ramsay then read "An Invitation to Stewardship" describing some of the beautiful sights one may see while removing invasive weeds at the Reservation. Suzanna Black read the Treasurer's report. Then Susan Coolidge asked people at each table to discuss and write down ideas for new programs. After a few minutes the whole group shared ideas, which were recorded by Suzanna Black as follows: Bird migration:
how they do it; differences in now and in the past? Next, Betsy Meyer gave out raffle tickets, and everyone present was invited to take a raffle prize. Finally, Carol Benoit-Reynalds conducted a candle-lighting ceremony during which we each lit a candle and shared what we like or love about the Reservation and the Friends group. The pot containing all of the lighted candles was then carried outside, where we watched them flicker in the breeze, then together blew them out. Elizabeth Wylde |