March 17, 2012
Tree Swallow Boxes at Fresh Pond Reservation
Today, volunteers put up 13 of the Reservation's 15 tree swallow nesting
boxes that have provided nesting sites for these insect-eating birds
since 2004. Each year, after the young birds have fledged and left the
nest, the boxes are taken down, washed, and stored in a garage for the
winter. They are put back up before the birds return from their southern
wintering grounds, usually by the end of March. Upon their return, the
birds immediately start looking for nesting sites. The two remaining
boxes will be placed in the Lusitania wet meadow, presumably by someone
with tall waterproof boots.
This box, located in the planting bed of the Water Department parking
lot, usually attracts Black-capped Chickadees, another welcome resident.