April 5, 2009
Beetle Nursery Workshop
Teamwork made enjoyable the job of cleaning, potting, and placing ten
Purple Loosestrife plants that will be used as breeding sites for a
shipment of Galerucella beetles scheduled to arrive in May. Purple
loosestrife is the only host plant for these beetles, which have been
used very successfully across the country to control the spread and
invasive growth of this beautiful but destructive plant. The rest of
the shipment of beetles will be released in the loosestrife-infested
wetland on the north side of Little Fresh Pond
The team (center photo): Squizzle Plekavich, Jan McCarter, Susan DeAngelis,
Emily Tansey, Lore Levitt, Betsey Meyer, and Elizabeth Wylde (not in
The plants are lined up along the Pond-side of the Water Treatment Plant
(third photo).